Inbreeding & Linebreeding

It has been proven that carrying out the LINEBREEDING between Dulce Sueño and her granddaughters enhances the desired characteristics such as speed, exquisite natural fineness, greater strength due to muscular resistance, beautiful phenotypes, among others.

What is inbreeding?
Inbreeding is mating between very close relatives. It is the repetition of a presumably superior common ancestor with the aim of increasing the probability that its superior genes reach the offspring.
Es la repetición de un común ancestro presumiblemente superior con el objetivo de incrementar la probabilidad de que sus genes superiores lleguen a la descendencia.
The most closed inbreeding in animals is between two full siblings and/or between parents and offspring. These have risks of resulting in inherited genetic disorders.
Yet another way to inbreed is to make it less closed, crossing grandparents and granddaughters, half brothers and sisters, uncles and nieces as well as first cousins with each other.
It is a milder inbreeding species that generally appears in one or more relatives multiple times in the same pedigree. This would be a Linebreeding that is nothing more than a less closed inbreeding and at the same time safer since it does not present the genetic risk that accompanies such a closed inbreeding.

Linebreeding with the Dulce Sueño Line

After intense research, international genetic experts have concluded that to obtain the best offspring with Dulce Sueño, it is by placing their granddaughters. In fact, they are fully confident that the best of Dulce Sueño is yet to come.
It is proven that performing the linebreeding between Dulce Sueño and her granddaughters enhances the desired characteristics such as speed, greater strength due to muscular resistance, larger heart, etc.
The reinforcement of the hybrid vigor and the indisputable genetic dominance of THE BOSS assure us that developing this linebreeding increases the probability of obtaining a calf with the desired attributes provided by this extraordinary breeder.
Linebreeding: Paterno Dulce Sueño

The daughters of the following sons of THE BOSS are ideal candidates to be placed in Dulce Sueño:

Linebreeding: Materno Dulce Sueño

The granddaughters of Dulce Sueño, daughters of daughters of THE BOSS, with parents like the following breeders are excellent candidates to be crossed with Dulce Sueño:

Linebreeding with mares from the
inbreeding of Hijos de Dulce Sueño (Double Granddaughters of DS)

Half Brothers (both sons of THE BOSS with different mothers) who were crossed and as a result a female was born. These are great candidates for crossing with Dulce Sueño.
An example is Morena de Sirius, daughter of Ensueño in La Dulce Vita, both children of Dulce Sueño.
As we can see, Dulce Sueño's granddaughters are excellent candidates for use with this great breeder. The speed and finesse are constant in the offspring of this linebreeding since in the crossing the Zodiac and the Castellano (both very fine horses) are more manifested without losing the power that comes from the Captain side, which is very evident in the sons of THE BOSS.

The classic virtues that Dulce Sueño brings to its offspring are combined, plus a greater presence of finesse when the granddaughters mate with it.
The offspring of this linebreeding are very fine, of great speed, with a lot of power, excellent spirits, and beautiful phenotypes.
The same thing happens when crossing with Dulce Sueño their great-granddaughters, both paternal and maternal.
Open crosses with Dulce Sueño

Dulce Sueño, the best Paso Fino breeder in all of history, is the only pimp who has linked with all the existing maternal aspects of the Paso Fino, even when the mares are not related to him.
Greater chance of success
The way to castate with the greatest probability of success is without a doubt, using Dulce Sueño with your mares. It is proven that both in open crosses and inbreeding crosses (Inbreeding / linebreeding) this is the breeder that most safely brings us closer to obtaining a calf of excellence in its gait and with the highest genetic level.

Don't be left behind, breed your mares from the best breeder in the world, Dulce Sueño de Lusitania.